Have you ever thought about how ridiculous police cars are today? I'm sure you see them racing by you, lights flashing, at 95 mph leaving you behind in a cloud of dust/lights/curiosity. The police need to have something that sets their cars apart from others. Something that says "Hey! What I'm doing is important so get out of my way." I get it - you need to get to where you need to go because it's an emergency and you don't want to cause another accident - it's preventative and informative at the same time. But how did things get so far? So excessive? Let's take a brief look at the progression of the police light and, of course, ridicule.
It began with a single light mounted on the roof of the car. Perfect. It differentiates you from other cars - very straightforward and effective. Maybe too much like a lighthouse, I get it. So, maybe we need more lights. Maybe.
Next, the "light-bar" takes the stage. Ok. About 4 lights mounted on the roof and now we've added another color. Perfect! Blue and red lights flashing in bar form. Now everyone knows for sure you're not a normal car. You're a cop car. No one's getting that one confused. You can be easily seen in front of, behind, to the side, or anywhere around other cars. Job well done.
Next step up - a giant leap. Lights on the top of the car, in the headlights, on the sideview mirrors, the rearview mirrors, in the rear window, on the front dash; red, blue, white lights flashing at seizure-inducing speeds...really? That's just excessive. Get over yourself and tone it down six notches. You're more likely to cause an accident with that sensory overload pyrotechnic-like onslaught than to prevent one. Is it the ego? Attention-craving? Or did people really not see the other versions of cop cars? What's the advantage to having a Pink Floyd laser light show integrated into your car? I don't get it. I thought the light bar was more than enough but maybe that's just me...anyway...that's all for now

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