I got a magazine clipping from a friend of mine today, attached to it was "Read this, it's funny. Mail is awesome. See ya, Mike." I read it - it was funny. And mail is awesome. I was pretty excited to get a piece of non-bill, useless flyer, or credit card offer, mail and it got me thinking - what ever happened to regular mail? I know, the smart asses out there will say, "Well, email, texting, and facebook has made everything blah blah shut it - I know what happened." Everything's gone electronic making information instantaneously sent and received, blah. But doesn't that take the fun out of it? Will there come a time when "Snail Mail" becomes obsolete? (we could go into a whole tangent about newspapers, books, etc...that's a freaking thesis) I hope not.
I mean, don't get me wrong, email is great and I'm always glad to see when my inbox has messages, but Snail-mail trumps that for sure. A lot of times, I wish regular mail was used more. I think the extra effort (and it's not much) can really make the whole experience more valuable. Plus, who doesn't like getting real mail? I do. I know some of you may be reading this and say "But I just got a text and an email from you today" and to that, I say shut it again!?" Man, who is this smart ass that keeps taking the wind out of my sails??
Funny that I'm talking about real mail...on my electronic blog...whatever; don't judge me. We're all hypocrites. I say let's write some letters, not to congress or anything politically productive (boooriiing) but to someone you haven't in a while...and if you're anything like me, it's been years since I've written a letter and sent it. Well, here's hoping.
...I'm screwed without spell-check.
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