A few months ago, Angela and I headed to the movies to see "Alice in Wonderland." We had the option to see 3-D or 2-D. Obviously, you know the direction we went in. I mean, we live in 3-D, why not be entertained as such? We grabbed our snazzy glasses and headed to our 3-D adventure.
We sat down to the movie and low and behold as the movie got started, people were acting as if 3-D was this entirely new technology. There were even clever teenagers making comments about how the title was coming at them pretending to duck...how creative. Then others would tap their friends on the arm and say "Oh man, it's like it's coming out of the screen! DID YOU SEE THAT!?"...1.) Thats obnoxious if you're in a movie 3-D or no. No one is NOT watching the only light source in a dark auditorium that they paid 12 bucks for so don't ask something stupid like that and 2.)You're surprised? What exactly were you expecting in a 3-D movie experience? Apparently no one had gotten the prize at the bottom of the Cheerios box in the 90s or read those "exciting" 3-D comics in blue and red with the paper-cut on your ears style glasses.
I got to thinking...hasn't 3-D has been around for a while? It's having a movie-screen resurgence only this time, they've upgraded from blue and red to sunglass-style glasses. Although I think it still makes people look dorky. Stil, it's the same animal, just dressed up a bit...and I'm glad to see it's back. They advertise "also showing in 2-D" for most movies - that's for fools, I say.
Ok. Done.
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