I was watching what I call "Confidence-boosting Jeopardy" last night with Angela while we were eating dinner and realized - man, Teen Jeopardy makes me feel like I'm a genius. Teen Jeopardy I find pretty entertaining and I begin thinking "I could totally kick ass on that show if I was on it"...kind of along the same lines as "man if I played Little League now, I'd be an All-Star." U.S. Presidents? Nailed it! Science? I know you're not going past what I learned in 12th grade so let's do this! Categories that have "text" in every answer (and was cleverly named "text" me) - come on, you're practically giving this away! I was feeling pretty good about myself until the 14 year old squeaky-voiced highschooler nailed a whole row and highlighted facts I had never heard of like he was naming the seven dwarfs. Damnit. Deflated. He is now my enemy.
I get so involved in Jeopardy, I start having conversations with the contestants, and either ridicule them when they don't get an answer that I know ("oh, come on - who doesn't know that Yoda lives in the Degaba system!") or ridicule them when they get an answer I don't know ("What is the Imama Reza shrine? pssht, nerd. I'll bet you have no friends" says the kid that knew specific Star Wars facts.) Jeopardy can be both exciting and humbling.
The point of this little rant? There was none...just like there is no point to Jeopardy but still, I find myself watching it and you find yourself reading my blog (and I am keeping this in the singular tense purposely as I know probably only one person is reading this).
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