Ok. So it's been a while. I've been busy! Which is the ultimate cop-out excuse but hey, people use it and people buy it (well, at least on the surface they do but underneath you know they're thinking "buuull shit.") Anyways, I just saw this sign on my way into work this morning and had been thinking about commenting on it - what a better way to do so than on my underused blog-site. (Thanks Tom) So here goes:
Ok, so you have this on your car. We've all thought the things I'm about to say but still, I see these signs and I continuously have a reaction. By putting this sign on your car, what exactly were you hoping would be accomplished? I mean, don't get me wrong, kids are totally great and everything...I have an almost 2 year old nephew I love more than pasta, golf, and beer put together (and for those who know me, you know I'm making a statement).
While kids are great, I don't see why you'd feel the need to slap one of these tacky signs in the ol' outback or mini-van. If I'm passing a car on the highway that says "Baby on Board" am I supposed to treat it any differently than any other car on the road? 2 things about that: 1.) If you drive like a normal civil human being (and I'm convinced that 90% of the people on the road are at least civil drivers but still aren't as good a driver as I am...you think the same thing, admit it.) and 2.) If you have to drive differently to not hit a car, why are you driving and I hope the state of Massachusetts takes your license away (ooo get some aloe Mass).
Still, I don't think these signs are nearly as infuriating as the "proud parent of ____ High school honor student" bumper stickers are. I'm actually more likely to rear-end that person because come on. That's obnoxious. If you're going to use your car to make a statement, make it one that people outside of your immediate family care about because honestly, most people outside of those people are going to be seeing the bumper of your car at a red light or on the highway as people drive as close as possible to you so as to read what's actually on the sticker. Just don't stop suddenly.
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