I'm sure many of you have seen it. The video from last summer showing a group of elementary school children singing a song about Barack Obama and the explosion on Fox News after it's release. They've characterized it as "Indoctrination" of our children who are "Captive audiences" making it seem like these 10 year old children are being held captive in a cave somewhere being brainwashed into thinking that Barack Obama is supreme overlord of the world, with aims at bringing Socialism to America (Equal work and equal pay?! That sounds dangerous!) They have even gone on to say that this video, "Reminiscent of 1930s Germany" and that it's "The most dangerous thing I have ever seen."
...Really. The most dangerous thing you've ever seen? Ever? Apparently you've never seen any James Bond or Jackie Chan movies or, you know, televised War footage. I don't see how that can be the most dangerous thing someone has ever seen. Fox News continually blows things out of proportion and I don't understand how they don't take a step back for a minute and realize how idiotic they sound or at least have someone tell them, "We are all now dumber for having listened to you."
Here's my favorite perspective - Mr. Glenn Beck: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PdK8OFHT6Jw
Interesting how Fox blurr out the children; what, did they want to remain anonymous? - I haven't seen other clips with that...and then he goes on a very factual and intellectual discussion about worshiping Barack. Maybe it's just refreshing to like the person in office and the only way for to counter that must be to over-glorify Obama to be "The Anointed One.' Clever. So does that mean everything he does seems to fall short? They're really pushing this Obama as God initiative - it's so transparent that they're out of legitimate arguments that they have to rely on this crap to try to take him down a peg. Beck carries on to the ridiculous. And coming from a man with a high school education who somehow weaseled his way onto the air...such credibility. Is Fox News really the #1 news station in America?
Another perspective about some of this - John Stewart puts it well here: http://mediamatters.org/mmtv/200909290003
People are getting so angry! It seems like the parents were all ok with it until Fox started making a big deal about everything and then, these parents were suddenly enraged. Weird. Plus, the anger I'm seeing seems so dis-proportional to what actually went on and some people just continue to feed on this unproductive anger and it seems to keep snowballing. Perspective is seeming to get lost in all of the media hype and anger that it's absurd. And yes, I mean to point fingers and blame because I think a lot of this ridiculous outrage comes from Fox - if it haden't been for their "professional" news reporting...ugh. I think Fox News has little value outside of entertainment; so get out your popcorn, I'm sure there's more to come.
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